
The future of renewable energy lies in the rivers

What is the Energyfish by Energyminer?

The Energyfish is an innovative system for power generation that operates in perfect harmony with nature. This forward-thinking and highly sustainable energy source harnesses the power of water and produces electricity continuously in a river, 24 hours a day. This innovative micro-hydropower plant is capable of supplying energy to entire communities. What sets it apart is that the energy source is mostly submerged underwater and is hardly visible. The micro-hydropower plant operates silently and has been designed to pose no threat to fish. Unlike wind or solar power, the Energyfish is capable of providing baseload power, meaning it reliably produces electricity in all weather conditions throughout the year.

This means 100 percent clean renewable energy is available 24 hours a day generated locally all year round.

Each Energyfish directly feeds electricity through a low-voltage line into the local grid. The Energyfish is 100 percent flood-resistant, capable of submerging itself to continue generating power. Additionally, it requires minimal maintenance and has been engineered for maximum availability.

The Energyfish by Energyminer is the hydrokinetic power plant for clean energy generation in harmony with nature and the landscape.

Independent power supply for entire communities

Unabhängige Strom-versorgung für ganze Gemeinden

Local and baseload capable

Energyminer stands for local electricity production that is baseload capable, making it available around the clock. The power is fed into the low-voltage grid in a decentralized manner.

Quick and easy

Our installations are simply suspended in the river and anchored in the riverbed - without concrete, without a dam and without heavy machinery. The approval and installation of the power plant are completed within a few weeks. The best part is: there are no costs incurred for the communities.

100% clean and safe

This electricity production does not interfere with the river ecosystem. The technology is entirely fish-friendly. There is no risk during floods. The installations are monitored 24/7.

Green electricity
without negative impact on the river ecosystem

Efficient and secure

The operating principle of the Energyfish underwater power plant

The Energyfish is a compact hydrokinetic underwater power plant designed for use in rivers. Within the Energyfish, there is a robust and highly efficient turbine system that is driven by the natural flow velocity of the river. A fish protection system, especially developed by scientists, reliably safeguards fish from disturbances or injuries in their natural movement. In the event of high water or ice formation, the Energyfish adapts to the situation by automatically sinking to the riverbed for safety while continuing to generate power. The Energyfish installations are monitored 24/7 by an intelligent remote monitoring system. Due to the well-thought-out design, the surfaces of the Energyfish remain free from algae and from catching other floating objects in the river. Water sports enthusiasts are also protected as the Energyfish installations can be easily pushed downward or aside without any risk of injury or impairment.

The school of Energyfish

The inconspicuous power station operates in harmony with nature

The Energyfish operates in schools, with each school of Energyfish connected to multiple land stations that feed the electricity into the grid.
This setup generates an impressive performance that is both unobtrusive and powerful.

1,5 GWh/year

The Energyfish, on average, produces 15 megawatt hours per year.
A swarm of 100 Energyfish can generate up to 1.5 gigawatt hours annually, which is equivalent to powering approximately 470 households. The Energyfish school offers efficient performance in harmony with nature.

-1.300 t CO2/year

In terms of environmental impact, a school of 100 Energyfish can save around 2,300 tons of CO2 emissions per year. This is equivalent to offsetting the annual emissions of about 1,700 small cars. By utilizing the Energyfish schools, you can effectively contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions.

10 - 20 years

Our engineers have taken great care to ensure that the small hydroelectric power plant has a prolonged service life. The projected lifespan of an Energyfish exceeds 10 years, demonstrating its durability and dependable technology. By incorporating a robust construction and reliable technology, the Energyfish is designed to provide long-term and uninterrupted energy production.

Technical details Energyfish
Weight: approx. 80 kg
Measurements ( L x W x H): approx. 3 x 2.4 x 1 m
Installation: swimming
Maximum power output: 6 kW
Average power output: 1.8 kW
Energyfish voltage: 30 - 60 V DC
Grid connection voltage: 400 V 3 Phase AC
Installation requirements
Min. depth: 1.0 m
Min. flow velocity: 1.0 m/s
Flow velocity at max. power ouput: 2.5 m/s

Sustainable energy generation

The Energyfish in concept and action

The Energyfish embodies a comprehensive ecological approach as the first hydroelectric power station of its kind. It is effortlessly installed in the river and generates clean electricity continuously, day and night, without any detrimental effects on the river's ecosystem.
This animation explains the principle and application of the Energyfish.

The pilot plant

The first Energyfish in Munich

The initial Energyfish installation can be found floating in the Auer Mühlbach, situated in the heart of Munich. It seamlessly integrates with the landscape, remaining inconspicuous and barely noticeable. Just a short distance downstream, a conventional hydroelectric power station continues to operate at full capacity. The combination of traditional hydroelectric power plants with Energyfish schools can be successfully implemented in numerous locations, fully utilizing the substantial potential of hydropower for a successful transition to renewable energy.
The pilot plant represents the starting point for developing a new source of renewable and base load energy, constituting a significant milestone in the progress of the energy transition.

About Us

The team

Our team consists of experienced founders who possess the essential expertise in electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and water engineering.
Through the Energyfish, we aim to make a significant contribution to the advancement of the energy transition.

About Us

The team

Wir sind ein erfahrenes Team, das alle notwendigen Kompetenzen aus Elektrotechnik, Maschinenbau und Wasserbau vereint. Mit dem Energyfish wollen wir einen entscheidenden Beitrag zur Energiewende leisten.

Dr. Chantel Niebuhr

CTO / Technische Leitung
Education as a water engineering engineer
Conducted research on the topic of kinetic hydropower and is an absolute expert in the field

Dr. Richard Eckl

coCEO / Management
Ph.D. in mechanical engineering with a focus on production technology and product development

Dr. Georg Walder

coCEO / Management
Ph.D. in electrical engineering with a focus on power plant technology

Natalie Rojko

CMO / Leitung Marketing
Many years of cross-industry expertise in marketing and communication